do justice, love kindness

Micah 6:8: He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

If I had to pick one verse in the Bible to guide my faith, it would be Micah 6:8. Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly with God. I think it’s my favorite verse because it moves me beyond thinking to action.

It’s not enough to just learn about injustice. We are called to DO justice, to leave the comfort of home, get our hands dirty and encounter injustice. It’s not enough to be kind when we have the energy or time, but to be kind when we are tired, hurt or treated unfairly. Loving kindness is what Jesus and martyrs do. They are kind even when it hurts them. And walking humbly with God requires not judging how or if others are walking with us, not walking with a boastful presence that says “look at how holy I am.” Humility knows even at our best, we can be better with God at our side.

God also knows we need all three legs of this stool to support us. Sometimes when we get involved in doing justice, we become indignant about injustice and vilify the oppressor. It may fuel us forward for a time, but it won’t transform the situation. Nelson Mandela’s loving kindness made it possible to bring reconciliation and healing after decades of being a political prisoner. Dylann Roof was forgiven by those who survived his shots at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. Loving kindness and walking humbly temper and transform our actions when we do justice.

In this time, when there seems to be so much injustice, it’s hard to find the energy to do justice. Where do we begin? How do we prioritize? Can we really make a difference? Maybe as we march and organize, faithfully showing up with a kind and humble heart is what really brings justice and transforms our world.

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